Corporate identity and logo

If you want to stand out amongst the competition, you need a professional logo with colours and materials constituting the visual identification of your company. It is important for us to make it consistent with the message sent by your company to its clients and the way it solves your client’s problems. During the first stage we get to know your expectations regarding logo and colours and on the basis of that we present our ideas.

What can we do for you?

  • Help in choosing a name for your company and the registration of the domain of a website.
  • Choosing the colours of your company.
  • Designing a logo.
  • Creating brand documentation including extended information regarding use of your logo in different situations.
  • Designing marketing materials consistent with colours and a logo design (e.g. business cards, company paper, brochures, leaflets, banners etc.).
  • Re-branding - changing visual indentification of an existing company.

Brand book

The most extensive version of the brand documentation includes designs, logotype guidelines, typography and examples of the wrong use of a logotype. Moreover, we also add to the brand documentation files of the most popular extensions (.ai, .pdf, .eps, .jpg, .png, .tif). Such a set will make it easier for a person working with your logotype to reproduce it on different mediums.

Some of our projects: